by Admin | Aug 28, 2018 | main page, slider
by Admin | Jul 30, 2018 | main page, slider
by NIK MUHAMMAD DANIAL BIN NIK BAHAROM | Apr 18, 2012 | Events & Reunion
APPRECIATION TO THE ALUMNI As a part of recognition and appreciation the formal UTM Alumni’s, various designation are offered such as Alumni Appreciation Award (‘Anugerah Penghargaan Alumni’), Horonary Fellow, Academic Advisory and also invitation as a VIPs guest to...
by NIK MUHAMMAD DANIAL BIN NIK BAHAROM | Apr 18, 2012 | Events & Reunion
During the Convocation ceremony, Alumni Liaison Unit organize Alumni House Open Day which will be held twice a year, where we warmly encourage graduate to come forward and share their experience where they will need to update their personal information and...
by NIK MUHAMMAD DANIAL BIN NIK BAHAROM | Apr 18, 2012 | Events & Reunion
HOMECOMING ALUMNI The homecoming alumni program is focused to bring forward a positive relationship among Alumni and Alumnae towards UTM. This is also where new Alumni Icon are chosen and awarded. REUNION ALUMNI Informal reunions of Alumni are organized twice a...
by NIK MUHAMMAD DANIAL BIN NIK BAHAROM | Apr 18, 2012 | Events & Reunion
To foster the Alumni of UTM, we have integrated recognition to those whom has paid important responsibility towards nation’s development. They are chosen based personal success, contribution to the community development and also support to establishment of...
by NIK MUHAMMAD DANIAL BIN NIK BAHAROM | Apr 18, 2012 | Events & Reunion
Several meetings are schedules by Alumni Liaison Unit and PAUTM in order to gather the Alumni to refresh the nostalgias. The meetings are properly drafted and act as an important path to widen the UPA network.
by NIK MUHAMMAD DANIAL BIN NIK BAHAROM | Apr 18, 2012 | Events & Reunion
FORMATION OF ALUMNI SECTOR AND GROUP Groups of alumni are formed in order to enhance relationship between alumni. Special Interest Groups (SIG), National Sectors and International Sectors are three categories of group that caters different location and interest of...
by NIK MUHAMMAD DANIAL BIN NIK BAHAROM | Apr 18, 2012 | Events & Reunion
This grand function is a part of Alumni Liaison Unit yearly scheduled and most important ceremony. This program is mainly organized for the final year undergraduates to celebrate them and also to boost the relationship between UTM and them.View latest info of...
by NIK MUHAMMAD DANIAL BIN NIK BAHAROM | Apr 13, 2012 | Events & Reunion
Help UTM to invest in students, staff and facilities. We want to make sure that our students have the best possible educational experience and are eager to maintain and enhance our reputation for research excellence. We are raising money for student scholarships,...