by NIK MUHAMMAD DANIAL BIN NIK BAHAROM | Apr 18, 2012 | Events & Reunion
This grand function is a part of Alumni Liaison Unit yearly scheduled and most important ceremony. This program is mainly organized for the final year undergraduates to celebrate them and also to boost the relationship between UTM and them.View latest info of...
by NIK MUHAMMAD DANIAL BIN NIK BAHAROM | Apr 13, 2012 | Events & Reunion
Help UTM to invest in students, staff and facilities. We want to make sure that our students have the best possible educational experience and are eager to maintain and enhance our reputation for research excellence. We are raising money for student scholarships,...
by NIK MUHAMMAD DANIAL BIN NIK BAHAROM | Jun 29, 2011 | Events & Reunion
Majlis Anugerah Kecemerlangan & Penghargaan UTM 2011, Citra Karisma telah diadakan pada hari Khamis, 7 Julai 2011 bertempat di Dewan Sultan Iskandar, UTM. Bersempena majlis tersebut, seramai 20 orang bekas pelajar UTM telah diberikan Anugerah Perhargaan Alumni....