Help UTM to invest in students, staff and facilities. We want to make sure that our students have the best possible educational experience and are eager to maintain and enhance our reputation for research excellence.

We are raising money for student scholarships, facilities, teaching and research. Show your appreciation and your concern to the nation’s higher education by contributing to the UTM Endowment Fund.

By contributing to this fund, you are helping the University :

  1. To provide financial assistant in the form of scholarship or study loan to needy students
  2. To provide research grants to research groups regarding alumni
  3. To award elegible students the ”Anugerah Pingat Emas Alumni” during annual convocation
  4. To hold more programmes & activities to strenghen & widen the network so it can produce a win-win situation & beneficial to all


Creating An Endowment Builds A Living Legacy Of Support

A gift to the UTM Alumni Endowment Fund is truly special because it is a gift that keeps on giving. An endowment is to support academic,  scholarly activities and UTM research programme. So the more you give, the more Fund grows and the more income is generated for the University’s needs.

Download UTM Alumni Endowment Fund Contribution Form.

UTM Alumni Endownment Fund


This fund was set up as a platform to give an opportunity for UTM alumni to support their alma mater.  The fund is managed by the Board of Trustees which consist of representatives from UTM administration and UTM Alumni Association.  Your contribution will demontrates the pride, commitment and sense of belonging to your alma mater.  Your generous gift and donation will be use to support various programs and activities related to the students and alumni of UTM such as:

  1. Providing grants for student clubs, societies and residential colleges to support their activities.
  2. Funding projects which will benefit the students, alumni and society.
  3. Providing scholarship, loan and financial assistance to enable highly potentential and qualified undergraduate students from less advantaged backgrounds to continue their study.
  4. Giving Alumni Gold Medal Awards to selected graduates during convocation.
  5. Any other fundings approved by the board.

We are encourage and inviting your commitment on a consistent basis.  Regular donations are most welcome and invaluable to us as they allow better strategy and long-term planning of funding.  The bursar will issue a receipt with income tax examption for all monetory contribution.

If you are Malaysian, you can also indirectly contribute to this fund by applying the UTM Alumni Platinum Direct Access credit card (with the cooperation of CIMB Bank).  Beside enjoying exclusive privilges offered by the bank, the bank will give a small percentage of your transactions to this fund.

Choose your giving option :-

    1. One-time contribution.
      • cash/money order/postal order
      • bank account
      • credit card

Monthly contribution.

    • bank account
    • credit card
    • salary deduction(for UTM staff only)

Download contribution form here.



View news of UTM Alumni Endownment Fund contributor’s Dato’ Ir. Wahab bin Suhaili, Executive Chairman of Wahba Group. (Sinar Harian – Sentral (19 Oktober 2010))


UTM Alumni Endownment Fund