Official Media Statement of Student Representative Council Session 2020/2021
Get access to our web page for recent updates of information and data transparency for all students. This platform is exclusively for students to ensure that all information is presented well and accurately.The services provided will implement the disclosure of information as well as action to council’s movement.

Industrial Training Fee
Industrial Training Fee is a short semester fee which has to be paid according to faculty & the number of credit hours registered and it includes a protection scheme as well. For more information, please refer the statement.
Initiative to submit Propsal regarding Guidelines of Students’ Movement
Following the spread of Covid-19 Virus in campus, Student Representative Council has taken initiative to submit a proposal to propose suggestions in terms of safety, health & students’ movement. It has been improvised by UTM Student Affairs as guideline for students in campus.
Aid for students during EMCO in UTM JB
Student Representative Council would like to thank and acknowledge ‘Wanita UMNO’,’Pemuda MCA’, ‘Kelab Kiwanis Nusajaya’ & other NGOs for providing aid in the form food and items for students who’ve been in campus during Enhanced Movement Control Order.
Denial of ‘Free Malaysia Today’ report regarding “Ops Balik Raya”
Student Representative Council, would like to emphasise that we strongly deny the statement issued by ‘Free Malaysia Today’. Please refer the statement for more detailed explanation.
White Flag Campaign
Student Representative Council UTM fully supports the White Flag Campaign. We plead all Malaysians to help each other and not be shy if they need help.
Residential College Fees 2nd Semester Session 2020/2021
Following the issue related to residential college fees, Student Representative Council UTM concerned about this matter and had seek clarification from Department of Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Development) on this matter.
Reduction of College, Service & Study Fees
Student Representative Council UTM has obtained justification from the Bursary Department UTM on this matter. Please refer the statement for more detailed information.
Explanation of Issues Arising related to the Academic Department
Student Representative Council UTM had received several complaints from students on academic & postgraduate issues. We brought this matter to Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic & International) for further clarification and improvements.
Sindiket Penipuan (Scam)
MPP UTM mengambil cakna akan isu segolongan mahasiswa UTM yang telah menjadi mangsa sindiket penipuan melalui teknik pancingan simpati. Sila rujuk kenytaan untuk maklumat lanjut.
Cadangan “Scholars Bubble” kepada KPT
Seiring dengan khabar pembukaan semula IPT pada bulan Oktober ini, MPP UTM telah bersepakat untuk mencadangkan suatu pelaksanaan bergelar ’Scholars Bubble’ yang dipercayai sedikit sebanyak akan memudahkan urusan para pelajar IPT di seluruh Malaysia.
Yuran Kolej Kediaman (Pelajar Tahun 1)
Mengikut pekeliling terkini, pelajar tahun satu tidak perlu membayar yuran kolej kediaman sekiranya tidak tergolong dalam kategori 1-6 yang diberi keutamaan untuk kembali ke kampus UTM secara berperingkat.
Pembentangan Isu-Isu Akademik kepada JTNCAA
Berdasarkan beberapa aduan yang diterima daripada pelajar sepanjang semester 2 2020/2021, TNYDP fakulti bersama Jabatan Akademik dan Pascasiswazah MPP telah mengambil inisiatif menyediakan kertas cadangan untuk mencari solusi terbaik bagi mengatasi isu-isu yang dibentangkan.
Gesaan kepada Pengurusan UTM
Persefahaman dan keadilan antara dua pihak perlu terjalin untuk mewujudkan suasana harmoni di dalam kampus yang turut melibatkan para mahasiswa UTM. Oleh itu, MPP UTM dengan setegasnya menggesa kelonggaran bagi ‘SOP Pergerakan Keluar/Masuk UTM’.
A Case-by-case Letter for Flood Victim to Faculties
Student Representative Council (SRC) UTM will always try our best to help those affected by the flood.
Condemns Israel’s Actions against Palestine
Student Representative Council UTM together with other clubs in UTM strongly condemn the acts committed by the Israeli Zionist army against Palestine that resulted in loss of life and property.