We’re back again! Clubs are recruiting students to involve in various extra-curricular activities. It is fun and challenging but most importantly, it gives you the opportunity to make new friends, work on practical task and take a breath from the hectic university timetable.

October 2021
Organization relationship management
As first level communication with all organization, club and union student in UTM.
Classification A (Student)
Classification B (Staff)
What is ORM?
As first level communication with all organization, club and union student in UTM. With this system communication, will be include as one of constition in MPP with structure organization, classification, cluster and student organization / university organs.
How do i contact with my liaison officer?
The high committee of student organizations under their respective classifications or classes can contact their liaison officers through our MPP directory on the site or visit our student service center via telegram.
What if my organizaton is not in here?
please contact us by dropping your email at mpp@utm.my with the subject ORM and the name of your student organization. We’ll reply within a week at the latest.

Cluster 1 - Supreme
Class A (Program Priority)
- 5 Excellence Track Programme (5 ETP)
Class B (Photography)
- Kelab Fotokreatif (KFK)
Class C (Student Union)
- Student Union Task Force
Class D (Alumni)
- Alumni UTM
Class E (Election)
- Campus Election Commitee (CEC)

Cluster 2 - Academic Engineering
Class A (Checmical and Energy Engineering)
- Per. Pel. Kejuruteraan Gas (GESS)
- Per. Pel. Kejuruteraan Kimia (AICHE)
- SC Petroleum Engineering (SPE)
- Nuclear Engineering Student Society (NESS)
- Bioprocess Engineering Student Society (BIOSS)
Class B (Electrical Engineering)
- Per. Pel. Kejuruteraan Elektrik (JURUTEK)
- Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
- Robocon UTM
- Jazari Innovation Club
- Kelab Kenderaan Elektrik (EVOLT)
- Institute of Engineering and Technology (IET)
Class C (Civil Engineering)
- Per. Kejuruteraan Awam (PEKA)
Class D (Mechanical Engineering)
- SC Manufacturing Engineering (SME)
- Per. Pel. Kejuruteraan Mekanikal (PETERA)
- Persatuan Teknologi Marin (TEKNOMARIN)
- Student Chapter Automotive Engineering (SAE)
- Kelab Automotive Technology (AUTECH)
- Kelab Kaji Terbang (AERO)
- Kelab Kejuruteraan Industri (IEC)
Class E (Biomedical Engineering and Health Sciences)
- Per. Pel. Kej. Bioperubatan & Sains Kesihatan (BIOMEHS)
- Equine Scholar Society (ESS)
Class F (Computing)
- Persatuan Sains Komputer (PERSAKA)
- Per. Grafik Komputer & Multimedia (CGMA)

Cluster 3 - Academic Business, Social Sciences & Humanities
Class A (Business)
- Persatuan Pengurusan Teknologi (STRATEGI)
- Accounting Club (UTMAC)
Class B (Social Sciences and Humanities)
- Student of Human Resource Develpoment (SMART)
- Kelab Psychology Interactive (PSYCHIC)
- Per. Mahasiswa Pendidikan (PENDIDIK)

Cluster 4 - Science, Built Enviroment & Surveying
Class A (Science)
- Persatuan Sains dan Teknologi (PESAT)
Class B (Builty Environment and Surveying)
- Kelab Geoinformatik (GEOINFO)
- Per. Mahasiswa Ukur Tanah (PEMETA)
- Persatuan Ukur Bahan &
- Pembinaan (QS-BINA)
- Kelab Pentadbiran & Pembangunan Tanah (LADS)
- Persatuan Seni Bina Laskap (EARTH)
- Persatuan Seni Bina (ARCHITECT)
- Per. Pel. Perancangan B&ar & Wilayah (PEWIBAWA)
- Per. Pengurusan Harta Tanah &
- Penilaian (PEHARTA)
- Architect Association Diploma (ARCADIA)

Cluster 5 - Sports
List of Organization
- Kelab Ekuin (UTMEC)
- Per. Silat Seni Gayung UTM (PSSG UTM)
- Per. Seni Silat Cekak UTM (PSSC UTM)
- E-Sports Club (ESC)
- UTM Football Club (Volkers)
- Resak Curva
- Sukan & Rekreasi (KTF)
- Sukan & Rekreasi (K9 K10)
- Merbauan Volleyball Club (KTHO)
- Merbauan Adventure Club (KTHO)
- Student Recreation Club (SRC)
- Kelab Rekreasi, Rasrec (KTR)
- Kelab Frisbee, Invictus (KTR)
- A-Team (KTC)

Cluster 6 - Culture & Art
List of Organization
- Aksara Resak (KTDI)
- Cansellor Star (KTC)
- Kelab SEMASEH (K9)
- KTR Culture (KTR)
- Gamelan (KTDI)
- Purnama Nilam (KTHO)
- Senimas (KTR)
- Kelab Teater, Behind The Mask (KTR)
- Kelab Culture, Unlock (KTR)
- Kelab Kompang (KTR)

Cluster 7 - Religion
List of Organization
- Persatuan Mahasiswa Islam (PMI
- Kelab Iqra (IQRA’)
- Biro Kerohanian MPP
- Biro Kerohanian 11 Kolej Kediaman Pelajar
- Rakan Pusat Islam
- Sahabat YADIM
- Persatuan Mahasiswa Hindu (PMH)
- Persatuan Mahasiswa Sikh (PMS)
- Persatuan Mahasiswa Buddha (PMB)
- Ikatan Kristian (IK)

Cluster 8 - Entrepenurship
List of Organization
- Kelab Usahawan UTM
- Entrepreneurial Action Us (ENACTUS)
- Sekretariat Rakan Muda (SRM)

Cluster 9 - International
List of Organization
- ISS Central
- ISS Bangladesh
- ISS China
- ISS Indonesia
- ISS India
- ISS Iran
- ISS Iraq
- ISS Jordan
- ISS Libya
- ISS Nigeria
- ISS Palestine
- ISS Pakistan
- ISS Sudan
- ISS Yemen
- ISS Saudi Arabia
- ISS Afghanistan
- Global Buddies

Cluster 10 - Postgraduates
List of Organization

Cluster 11 (Special) - Uniform
List of Organization
- Kump. Latihan Kelanasiswa (KLKM)
- Siswa Siswi Pertahanan Awam (SISPA)
- Pandu Puteri

Cluster 12 - Non Academic
List of Organization
- Kelab Debat & Pidato (DE’PIKIR)
- Gerakan Pengguna Siswa (GPS)
- Sekt. Rakan Badan Pencegah
- Rasuah (SPRa UTM)
- Kelab Kaunseling & Kerjaya (KKDK)
- Per. Pembimbing Rakan Sebaya (PERSIS)

Cluster 13 - General
List of Organization
- Tuanku Chancellor English Language Club (TCELC UTM)
- The Institution of Engineers, Malaysia UTM Student Section (IEM-UTM SS)
- Kelab Bahasa Mandarin UTM
- UTM Green DNA
- SC Goldenkey Honour Society (GOLDENKEY)
- UTM Aces Toastmaster Club (TOASTMASTER)
- Student Chapter AEISEC (AEISEC)
- Bursa Young Investor Club (BYIC UTM)

Cluster 14 (Special) - State
List of Organization
- Persatuan Mahasiswa Sabah (PERMAS)
- Perwakilan Mahasiswa Sarawak UTM (MASSA)
- Semua perwakilan Anak Negeri Semenanjung
- Persatuan Mahasiswa Anak Terengganu
- Sekretariat Mahasiswa Anak Negeri Sembilan
- Himpunan Siswazah Kelantan
- Sekretariat Anak Perak
- Persatuan Anak Felda (PERSADA)
- Sekretariat Anak Johor
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