The Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE-UTM) Student Chapter is proud to announce that the most anticipated Shell Intervarsity Student Paper Presentation Contest is back in the year of 2012! With the theme ‘Energising the green future through a sustainable technology’ comes at a very appropriate time, this is the moment where rising awareness of expanding the recovery of energy resources is needed as it is essential in the industrialization and sustainable development of nations.
Briefly about S-SPEC, it is an annual event organized by SPE-UTM Student Chapter in collaboration with Shell as the generous sponsor. The event aims at providing a platform for the students to present their ideas in the fields of health, science and environment. This event is not only restricted to students from the Oil and Gas field, but it is opened to all UNDERGRADUATES and POSTGRADUATES from all courses and discipline. So what are you waiting for? Come and grab this golden opportunity to participate and win great prizes and chance to initiate a network with industrial people.
With amazing prizes to be won along with trophies and certificates, as well as engagement session with Shell, this is an event you could not miss. It is time to unleash your potential!