NESS Council 2022/2023
It was my utmost pleasure and honour to serve as the President of Nuclear Engineering Student Society (NESS) in Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) in the year of 2022/23. On behalf of the 2022/23 legislative council, I would like to express my sincere thanks to the past councils for the accomplishment in NESS as well as all the members, lecturers and collaborators for their support and participation.
As reflected on this council, we are filled with pride for what we, as a collective force have achieved and succeeded. It was the first fully physical academic year for us where everything is back to normal in the post-pandemic era and undoubtedly, it was a dark time for us. But in facing challenges, we have grown stronger. We encountered obstacles, learned from them, and emerged resilient. It is a testament to our collective determination that even in the face of adversity, we have not only survived but thrived. Throughout the year of 2022 and 2023, we have succeeded in organising various programs such as First Year Experience (FYE), Visit to Malaysian Nuclear Agency and Small Modular Reactor Seminar. We have also committed to exploring the networking and partnership with industries, bodies, organisations in the nuclear field. This year, we expanded our networking with Ms Sheriffah Noor Khamseah, Global Network Ambassador-Malaysia for World Nuclear Energy Day and Critical Mass, a non-profit organisation which is concerned about nuclear energy.
Aside from the welfare, personal development and academic enrichment of our society members, our council has extended our society capabilities in raising public awareness towards nuclear technologies and nuclear energy. As the kick-start of the incentive, we have organised an outreach program to inspire and acknowledge the younger generation about nuclear. As a ‘future nuclear engineer’, we hope that our commitment in diminishing the nuclear stigma could make a brighter future for the term ‘nuclear’ in Malaysia or even, worldwide.
Looking ahead, I am excited about the future of NESS as it will be led by younger, energetic and motivated leaders. I strongly believe that our future leaders could keep the momentum to build a society that fosters growth, inclusivity and excellence.
As the last words, I want to express my deepest gratitude for the privilege of serving as the president of NESS. The support and enthusiasm of this council have been the driving force behind our accomplishments. As we embark on the next chapter, I am confident that the spirit of collaboration and innovation will propel NESS to new heights.
Thank you.
With sincere regards,