by satreps-swm | Mar 19, 2022 | NewsHub
16-27th August 2021 27 August 2021. Johor Bahru. The [Virtual] UTM Summer School SS14 Accelerating Green Development in Asia (UTM SS14) was successfully held, as a virtual program for the first, from 16th to 27th August 2021. A group of 22 international students...
by satreps-swm | Mar 19, 2022 | NewsHub
On the 5th June 2021, the UTM Green DNA Society had organized UTM Green DNA: Covid-19’s impact on local waste production and management. This is a program that spread the knowledge of waste production and waste management to the community. The objectives of this...
by GreenDNA | Sep 20, 2019 | NewsHub
30 August 2019. Johor Bahru. Shanghai Jiao Tong University’s Global Challenge Program with the theme: “Innovative Practice of Sustainable Development and Resource Recycling in China and Malaysia”, funded under the China’s “Belt and Road” initiative, was successfully...
by GreenDNA | Sep 20, 2019 | NewsHub
26 August 2019. Johor Bahru. Prof. Li Chunjie from Shanghai Jiao Tong University delivered a Public Lecture in UTM. “Prospects and Challenges of Aquaponics for the Sustainable Development of Food Production in Urban Smart Farming” by Prof Li Chunjie, SJTU, China. Prof...
by nizam | Dec 14, 2018 | NewsHub
Dec 1, 2017: Penaung Kelab UTM Green DNA, Prof Madya Dr Lee Chew Tin dari Fakulti Kejuruteraan Kimia dan Tenaga, UTM memberikan taklimat mengenai kebaikan baja kompos. Seramai lapan ahli Kelab UTM Green DNA dijemput untuk mengadakan demonstrasi membuat baja di program...
by nizam | Dec 14, 2018 | NewsHub
May 17, 2018: UTM GDNA student collect and segregate food waste from Faculty of Chemical and Energy Engineering (FKT). A small composting site at FKT is currently run by GDNA Student.