For some people, college clicks right away and they never turn back. For others, the college life takes some getting used to, and they end up thinking longingly of going back home for the first several months. When you first arrive at college, you definitely have to step back and let yourself get used to it before the homesickness will go away. That can take a while, though, so here are a few ways to help feel less homesick:

  1. Give your family & friends a call.

Your family will definitely be pleased to hear from you, and your friends will love to hear how you’re doing. You can talk about how things are back home, or you can talk about how you’re doing. You’ll probably feel a bit better if you talk more about yourself, since talking about home might make you miss it more. Instead of talking about the past, talk about the future — talk about what will happen the next time you come back.Other ways to keep in touch will help as well — text messaging, Facebook, instant messaging, and so forth.

2. Keep yourself occupied

You’ll feel less homesick the more busy you are. Spend a bit more time out with people or on your schoolwork. Get involved with some sports or clubs. Not only will this keep your mind off of being homesick, you’ll also begin to enjoy college more because of it.

3. Bring reminders of home.

Bring pictures of your family and friends, as well as posters and other items from your bedroom back home.

4. Decorate your dorm room better.

If you spend some time decorating your dorm room, you can make it feel a lot more like a home than if it’s bare. Buy some nice rugs, comfy blankets, and cool posters so the room looks more like you want it to.

5. Invite people to visit you.

Invite a few friends to come stay a weekend with you, if they can. You can show them around your school and the town. This will help you feel more comfortable in your college, plus you’ll be able to share your experiences with your friends.

6. Plan a trip home.

If your homesickness is just too much to bare, talk to your parents and see when the next weekend you can go home is. You should always go home now and then, but be careful about going home too often — establishing yourself at college is much better for you than constantly going home.
