Have a job interview coming up but feeling unprepared? Check out these 6 useful interview tips to prepare yourself before getting interviewed!
1. Do your research
Know the company that you are interviewing with so you can answer their
questions well and in the right context. It will also show that you are truly
interested in the company.
2. Search the web
It is likely someone else has interviewed with the company, so search the
web and see what others are saying about it.
3. Prepare questions beforehand
Know the answers to basic questions that they will most likely ask you.
Also come up with a few questions about the company or position you are
applying for to show that you’re interested.
4. Practice your interview technique
Think beforehand about how you can best demonstrate your skills and
experiences in an interview and then practice it before the day. This can
make you feel more confident on the day.
5. Dress appropriately
Make sure you dress appropriately for the job interview. You must look
professional to give the best impression to the interviewer.
6. Stay calm and confident •
Naturally, nerves will begin to kick in, but try to stay calm and confident.
Take deep breaths and practice positive, self-affirmation thoughts in your