UTM Virtual Carnival had come to an end and all of this could not be possible without the cooperation and support of our value Platinum Sponsor, Micron Technology!
We want to express our gratitude on your continuous support and cooperation on this regard.
A great help is provided by Micron Technology throughout the partnership.
Your expression of trust is express in believing in us!!
We hope that you will continue to stand by our side in the future career carnival.
Thank you so much and we look forward to collaborating with your company again in the future.
We wish your company all the success.
To know more about Micron Technology, follow them on:
FB: https://www.facebook.com/MicronMYS/
To stay in touch with the UTM Career Carnival for future events, follow us on:
FB, IG, TWITTER, Linked in @utmcc2020
Website: https://studentaffairs.utm.my/careercarnival/
“Empower the Talents, Unlock the Future”